To use Acolapp, check if the condominium has its registration updated with e-mail and/or password.With this app you can:** RESERVATIONS **- Make, edit and cancel reservations for common areas- Add and edit guest lists** FINANCIAL **- Check paid and pending releases on your behalf- Generate payment slips and barcodes for payment- Generate duplicate entries- Send the Boleto to your email- View monthly balance sheet shared by the condominium in PDF** SHARED DOCUMENTS **- Files and documents relating to accountability- Condominium plan- Contracts etc.** NEWSLETTER **- Receive and read communications sent by your condominium---------------------------------COMING SOON--------------- ----------------------------------------** OCCURRENCES **- Open occurrences- Reply to occurrences with message history- Close occurrences you opened yourself** GAS / WATER CONSUMPTION **- Graphic report indicating the consumption of water, gas or any other resource that your condominium has** ORDERS **- Registration of your orders controlled by the ordinance** AUTHORIZE ENTRY **- List of people you can authorize or not integrated with the ordinance** MY PETS **- Registration and vaccination record of the animals you have** MY VEHICLES **- Registration of vehicles you own** VOTES (VIRTUAL ASSEMBLY) **- All "polls" generated by the condominium for use in voting, which can be used in meetingsYou also receive information about incidents, newsletters and bills directly as notifications on your device!